IMFavorites logo

Everybody loves screenshots. I look at them first, that's for sure! Please enjoy the eyecandy from version 1.0

GTK2 Version - click to enlarge
IMFavorites for GTK2. [enlarge]
pug@resmiranda imfavorites $ imfavorites -c --cd ~/mp3/cd_of_favs/

Size of collection to make:             700 MB, 734003200 b
Target path for collection:             /home/pug/mp3/cd_of_favs/
The root path to your files:            /mnt/extra_files/mp3s/
Cramming enabled.
Done!    Filled 733102043 / 734003200 bytes (699 / 700 MB)
         Linked 150 songs.       Made 0 crams.

IMFavorites for the Console